Reflections on Psalm 139 (Part 4)
Successful Christian Ministry

Personal Update from Mark Conner

FullSizeRenderIt is hard to believe that it has been 6 months today since I finished up as Senior Minister of CityLife Church. The month of February this year was such as special time as we celebrated the 50th anniversary of CityLife, had my farewell, and inducted Andrew Hill as the next Senior Minister. These important events all went so well and I look back with gratitude for that. Nicole and I are particularly thankful for the many 'thank you' notes and video messages we received from people both inside and outside of CityLife, as well as the generous gifts from the church.

These last few months of ‘sabbatical’ have been a time of rest, relaxation, refuelling and recalibration for us. We really love living in the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, where we have relocated to, although we obviously miss our family and friends in Melbourne. No doubt, as hard as it has been, moving away was a good way to establish a clear transition from a long season at ministry at CityLife to our next season of life and ministry, as well as give the new Senior Minister the space that he needs to establish his own leadership.

Over the next few months I will begin to re-engage in a variety of ministry opportunities that are coming my way, including speaking at various churches and pastor’s conferences, coaching some pastors and church leaders, and doing some consulting work. I’m really excited about this next season.

Thanks for your support and prayers during my recent transition time. I really appreciate it.

All the best.
