No Worries
September 26, 2016
Have you been worrying lately? Worry is a common thing. How do you deal with your worry?
Well, firstly you need to ask yourself, “What am I worrying about?” A study was done recently about the things that people worry about.
Here are the results:
- 40% of the worries were about things that never happened or would never happen.
- 30% of the worries were things in the past for which they could do nothing about.
- 12% were worries about health and worry actually worsens your health.
- 10% were about petty or minor worries.
- Only 8% of the worries were about anything substantial or legitimate and of that 8%, half, or 4%, of them were out of the person’s control.
- That means only 4% were something that they could actually do something about.
The research therefore reveals that 96% of what we worry about is totally irrelevant. It’s not worth worrying about!
So why don’t you evaluate your worries today. If you can do something about it go ahead and do it, but with the rest just leave it. Don’t worry. Trust in God.
As us Aussies say, "No worries!"