Lessons from Jesus on Prayer (Pt.2)
Fuel - Focus - Faith

Is it time to De-Clutter Your Life?


Do you feel like your life is cluttered? Are you a hoarder? Do you have stuff everywhere and the piles are only getting bigger? Do you feel overwhelmed? Maybe it's time to de-clutter.

For some assistance, why not check out The Life Changing Magic of Tidying UpThis #1 New York Times best-selling guide to decluttering your home from Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes readers step-by-step through her revolutionary method for simplifying, organising, and storing.

Here are the main take away ideas:

  1. The art of tidying requires discarding first (things that have outlived their purpose), then organising (the remaining things that you cherish now). 
  2. Sort by Category (not Location). Do it in this Order: Clothes, Books, Papers, Miscellany, Momentos. Sub-categories can be helpful. 
  3. Put everything in a single file on the floor.
  4. Take each item in hand and ask “Does this bring joy to my heart?” Choose what to keep, not what to get rid of. Choose to surround yourself with things that spark joy. Can you say, “I really like this!” If so, keep it, regardless of what other people think. 
  5. Tidy once all in one go, as quickly and completely as possible (take no longer than 6 months). Discover who you are and what you really want now (how you want to live your life).
  6. Letting go is more important than adding.
  7. When we delve into the reason for why we can't let something go, there are only two: an attachment to the past OR a fear for the future.
  8. Tidying is an act of restoring balance to your life. 
  9. Detox your house … and your life. 
  10. Your real life begins after putting your house in order.

Is is time to de-clutter your home ... and your world?