Developing Confidence (Pt.5)
June 26, 2015
Here are my own favourite confidence builders, gleaned from years of life and ministry experience:
Confidence Builders
1. SEE yourself as God sees you. Your words and actions are a reflection of how you see yourself. Therefore, you cannot constantly live and/or minister in a manner that is inconsistent with the way you see yourself. If you think you are a "grasshopper" you will act like one (Numbers 13:33). If you think you are more than able, you will act with that confidence. Gideon had to change the way he saw himself in order to conquer fear and become the mighty warrior God saw he could become (Judges 6:12-14). See yourself as God's child - deeply loved and of great worth, value and significance (Psalm 139:14). You are loved, called and empowered by God! God makes heroes our of ordinary people.
2. LEARN all you can. Ask and receive wisdom. Gain knowledge. We are all confident at something because we learned how. Anything is easy when you know how. Receive training. Prepare well. The better you prepare, the more confident you will be. Gain confidence in new areas.
3. Gain EXPERIENCE. Past successes provide confidence for today. Get a few wins under your belt. David's defeat of the lion and the bear when no one was looking gave him confidence to run towards Goliath the giant in the presence of crowds of people looking on. Start where you are and take baby steps of faith. If you aren't managing well what you currently have been entrusted with, why expect more? Learn from your failures too.
4. Allow OTHERS to Speak into Your Life. People tend to become what those closet to them believe they can become. Our friends/peers have a great influence on us. Are the people around you confidence knockers or confidence builders? Spend time with positive people who believe in you and encourage you to be all you can be in God.
5. Don’t COMPARE yourself with others. Learn from others but don't copy or imitate (2 Corinthians 10:12). Find your own voice. God doesn't want clones! YOU are unique. Be the best you can be for God’s glory. When it comes to skill or knowledge, there is always someone better than you and someone not as good as you. Simply be the best you can be. God’s gift to you is your potential. Your gift back to him is what you do with it. You will be held accountable for only what you received. I can't be someone else but I can be ME! So can you.
6. Cling to GOD. Our confidence is to be in God. That's how David defeated Goliath when everyone else was paralysed with fear and intimidation (1 Samuel 17). Through prayer and dependence on God we can draw on the assistance of the Holy Spirit who is our Helper. God gives grace to the humble. Trust in God - HE is able to do way above what we could ask, think or imagine.
Confidence rarely strikes us like a lightning bolt. It often begins with a simple choice - to step out and BE confident in God! May you have a fresh encounter with God today … resulting in a fresh impartation of confidence for life and ministry.
You can boldly declare:
- “I can BE who God says I can BE!”
- “I can DO what God says I can DO!”