"Porn Kills Love" by Josiah Conner
May 17, 2015
We fight the drug of porn with the power of love
Ephesians 5:1-14
[Josiah Conner kicked off our Modern Family series last weekend with a message entitled "Porn Kills Love" (watch or listen). Here is a summary, along with some reflection questions]
Steak: We have taken the good gift of sex and turned it into something it is not.
Steak: food is for eating (we have twisted sex into something it isn’t).
1. Think about the ways that sex has been twisted away from God’s intention.
2. The dictionary defines pornography as: Sexually explicit writing, images, video, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal. Think about what kinds of pornography there are in our world.
3. Have a read of the statistics about pornography below. Consider whether these statistics are greater or lower than what you expected.
Scripture: The Bible tells us sex is sacred and is not to be cheapened.
The Bible is a book about God’s love for the world. Sex is a gift of God given with a purpose (Gen 1:26,31) but humanity through sin took it outside of its purpose. People tried to come back to God by their actions but it was the hearts that God was after (Prov 4:23, Matt 15:16-20, Matt 5). Sex is not just physical, it is spiritual (1 Cor 6:15-20, Eph 5:1-14).
1. Read through the Scriptures above. Reflect on why sex is more than just a physical act.
2. Do you think God or the Bible is against sex?
Stats: Porn kills love
Here are some of the main ways that pornography kills love.
1. Brain: When we look at pornography it releases dopamine in our brain that rewires them to crave the feeling more and more. This is like taking drugs. We are the product of our habits (good and bad). Pornography becomes addicted to the good feelings of sex outside of the purpose in a loving committed relationship.
2. Relationships: Looking at pornography creates false perception of reality where we learn to expect what we see/read in pornography over real life. It creates distorted views of men and women. It decreases intimacy in marriage.
3. Injustice: participating in porn consumption creates the need for a system of injustice. While we may not be looking at the terrible aspects of pornography, they are all part of a system that makes abuse against women, child slavery and sexual abuse possible.
4. Spirit: porn pushes us away from the only one who can truly transform us. When you engage in pornography it pushes you away from God and community.
Are these statistics and consequences of pornography something you were aware of?
Shift: Fight porn with love
For those who are struggling here are some great next steps:
1. Choose: change starts with a choice. It may sound simple but what we tolerate we will never change. We need to make a conscious decision to change.
2. Talk: one of the great lies of the enemy is to make those struggling think they are the only ones struggling. We cannot do life on our own. We need community. As a church we need to create space for people to be real about their struggles and help lift one another up. (James 5:16)
3. Walk: Change your habits. There are some real practical ways you can change your habits. You can replace the bad habits with positive ones. Below are some great resources to assist your change
4. Journey: remember that change and growth is a journey. We are being transformed each day. Whatever our struggle, we must follow the example of Paul in Philippians (Phi 3:12-14) by forgetting what is behind and pressing on.
Response to Sin
How we respond to sin (of any kind) says a lot about our understanding of God and His grace. There are two extremes we want to avoid:
1. Rubbish: (kick someone while they are down). When someones is struggling we do not want to condemn them. If our first response to sin is retribution and not redemption than we are living under law and not grace.
2. Reinforce: (pretend it doesn’t matter). The other extreme is to overlook the sin. When we pretend sin doessn’t matter we cheapen the grace of Jesus.
The way that Jesus modelled is the best way to respond to sin (John 8)
3. Redeem (speak to the person they are yet to be). Jesus met people where they were but called them to something more. We want to speak to the potential in people. God met us at our worst and called children of God. We want to be a community that meets people wherever they are and calls them to their God given identity.
Recommended Resources
- www.xxxchurch.com
- www.pornkillslove.com
- www.citylifecare.org
- Valiant Man Course
- Hooked: New Science on How Casual Sex is Affecting Our Children by Freda McKissic Bush.
- Pure Eyes by Craig Gross.