February 13, 2014
One thing God has been speaking to me about lately is awareness. In many ways, we don't need more of God's presence. What we need is a greater awareness of his presence. He is everywhere at once. There is no where we can go from his presence. Jesus is "Immanuel" = God with us. We don't need to pray for him to be with us. He already is. We need an awakening and an opening of our eyes to be more aware of him.
Jacob was in a desert place but had a dream and woke to realise that God was in that place (Genesis 28:10-17). What changed? His awareness.
As you go about your day, slow down a little. Listen and look for God at work. See him in the everyday aspects of your life - the ordinary, not just the extra-ordinary, the natural, not just in the super-natural.
God is with you - whether you feel him or not. Walk by faith and not by sight. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. That starts with being aware that he is always with us.What a difference that can make!
[Picture: The Dream of Jacob by contemporary Chinese artist He Qi]
Next: Attentiveness