How to Make Wise Decisions (Pt.2)
July 24, 2013
Let's continue speaking about a number of wrong approaches to knowing and doing God's will.
3. Frustration.
God’s will is not meant to be complicated or confusing. Yet sometimes we can feel like, "God loves me and has a wonderful plan for my life, but He’s not telling me!" God’s will is not some secret formula you need to discover.
Sometime our frustration is based on the belief that God has a detailed plan for our life that he has hidden and that we need to discover. We think we must try to find the next step that he wants us to take every moment of the day so as to not please him. Is God's will a circle in which we need to find the "dot" in the middle in order to be in the very "centre of His will?" Does God have a perfect plan for every one of our decisions, which we need to discover?
Let’s look at Adam and Eve. God gave them one commandment – "Don’t eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." He them gave them the freedom to eat of any of the other trees in the garden. One “No” and dozens of “Yes’s” (see Gen.2:15-17). God defined clear boundaries, then gave them the freedom to live within them. Adam and Eve were also free to daily decide their work and activity focused on the overall objectives given to them by God ("take care of the garden and take dominion over the earth").
The Bible indicates that God has a general purpose and plan for our lives, which he communicates to us. He also communicates any limitations or areas that are restricted to us. Within these parameters, we are free to choose what we want to do.
There is much more freedom in God’s will than we often realise. More often than not, there are many options we could choose from, all of which are in God’s will. God’s will is more of a relationship than a set of rules or guidelines. He gives us a compass rather than a detailed road-map. It is "dynamic" and ever changing rather than a "closed system." He allows for our failures and our mistakes. We need to focus on God not just on guidance.
Without this understanding, multiple options produce a lot of fear and frustration at "missing the dot" rather than gratitude for more than one opportunity. It also results in costly delays because of uncertainty about God’s specific will.
Parents have general desires for their children and they direct them in ways that are right. But they don’t have a detailed plan for every aspect of their children's life. That would breed immaturity rather than maturity.
Consider these choices: what to eat for lunch today, where to live, which house to buy, which job to take, which career to take, or which person to marry. Except for the clear prohibitions of Scripture, you are free to choose based on the desires of your heart and the wisdom available to you. If God has something specific in mind, then He will guide us toward it clearly.
The right question may be, "How do I make wise decisions?" rather than "How do I find the will of God?"
[Part 3]
Hi Mark, that is really good advice. I am sure it will help a lot of people.
I think we can get too caught up in seeking God's will in minute detail rather than living in the freedom of the boundaries He has given us. As you say the desire of your heart (Psalm 37:4) and making right choices are key. I agree too about He will guide us clearly to what He specifically wants us to do in a situation, that is where the Holy Spirit's promptings comes in.
God Bless,
Posted by: Dave Quinn | March 10, 2010 at 07:11 AM
Thank you Mark for this inspiring series. Very wise & balanced advice indeed. Agree with you, God's will is not complicated... it's simple to understand if people read the instructions for themselves. In all our decision making the Holy Spirit & the Word need to be combined & employed in order to do God's will. Our God is a God of order & not of disorder that's why He set boundaries for us to live by & gave as an instruction manual (Bible) for doing life together with Him. When we live within those boundaries & lead a Holy Spirit led Christ-centred life, then we have the peace of God... through prayer, Bible study & reflection we come to make wise decisions for our life. The key is surrender & humble obedience in submitting to God... Jesus Christ taught that Knowing God's will & living in humble obedience to do His will is the key to wisdom & life.
(Rom. 12:2) says “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test & approve what God's will is— His good, pleasing & perfect will.”
It's OK to enjoy life but "Seek first the Kingdom of God & all these things shall be added to you" (Matt. 6:33)
"Trust in the LORD & do good; dwell in the land & enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the LORD & He will give you the desires of your heart... Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him & He will do this:" Psalm 37:3-5...
The bottom line is, in all our decision making it's our choice to either do it our way or God's way.
Posted by: MarijaThornton | March 10, 2010 at 08:36 AM