Choose Your Own Adventure
A Spacious Place


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As a response to God's relentless love for us, and the adventure that he has called us to embark on, we want to commit ourselves afresh to be devoted to God this year - to PRAY more passionately, to SHARE our faith more intentionally, and to SERVE with our gifts more wholeheartedly. As we do, we will see a greater fulfillment of our mission to be fervent followers of Jesus Christ reaching out to our world.

What will be different for you this year? What changes could you make that would result in a significant growth in your own life calling? What new habits would you like to form?

Here are some ideas:


1. Set aside time each morning to talk to God and to hear his voice, including through the Scriptures.

2. Fast a meal (or day) once a week and use that time to have some prayer.

3. Go on a one hour prayer walk once a week.

4. Find a prayer mentor who can help you grow in your prayer life. 

5.Faithfully attend the prayer meetings at your church.


1. Have a meal once a week with friends or family who don't yet know Christ, just to get to know them and show an interest in their world.

2. Invite someone to church or to an ALPHA course.

3. Make a list of three people you would like to come to know Christ and pray for them regularly. Evangelist D.L. Moody had a list of 100 people and he saw 96 of them come to faith in his life time. The other 4 commited their lives to Christ at his funeral! Never under-estimate the power of prayer.

4. Find a mentor who could help you grow in your confidence in sharing your faith.

5. Attend an equipping course or read a book on evangelism or missional living.


1. Choose the attitude of a servant every day. Be a contributor, not just a consumer, a giver not just a receiver.

2. Seek to seek with a great attitude and with excellence, as to the Lord.

3. Find an area of ministry within your church and volunteer to help out.

4. Join with your small group and engage in a local community project, or overseas short team mission team.

5. Mentor someone else in your area of ministry.

What will 2013 be like? Some things are beyond our control and none of us can predict the future but we do have choices that we can make. We can choose our own adventure! As we do, we will be surprised at what God does in and through our lives this year.

God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that. 1 Corinthians 1:9. MB