Awkward Love
August 15, 2011
The Christian God exists eternally in a Trinity of loving relationships – Father, Son and Spirit. God created us as the object of his love and invites us to participate in a community of loving friendships. As we fully understand how much God loves us, we are able to love others from a strong foundation of acceptance, significance, security, and purpose.
Because of sin, loving others is not always easy. In fact, sometimes it is awkward. This is especially so when people act in ways that offend or cause hurt to us. Situations such as these provide opportunity for us to obey God’s command for us to forgive others. When teaching his disciples to pray, Jesus told them to pray for forgiveness for their own sins while also ensuring that they had forgiven others. Failure to forgive others affects God’s forgiveness of us (Mt.6:9-15). Jesus went so far as to tell his followers to love their enemies (Lk 6:35-36). When giving instructions about his new community, the church, he emphasised the need for avoiding retribution and acting in mercy to forgive those who cause offence (Mt.18:21-35). Jesus modelled his own teaching on the cross as he chose to forgive those who crucified him (Lk 23:32-34). The apostle Paul frequently affirmed the importance of forgiveness in his letters (Rom.12:16-21. Eph.4:31-32. Col.2:12-13).
Opportunities to Forgive
Have you ever been hurt by someone else? The truth is that everybody has been hurt by other people - many times, either intentionally or unintentionally. Inevitably, someone will step on your toes or ruffle your feathers (Luke 17:1). Hurt can come in the form of words (lack of kindness, unfair criticism, harshness, gossip or conflicts), unmet expectations (unfulfilled promises, disappointment, abandonment, rejection, injustice or lack of appreciation) or even physical abuse.
It’s not wrong to hurt. Pain and hurt are part of this life. They will come our way at some time or another - often beyond our control. We are all victims of sin in this world and we all carry its scars. Even the Biblical narrative frequently affirms this. Consider Josephs’ betrayal by his brothers and Jesus’ betrayal by Judas as two well-known examples.
When we are hurt, we have two options. Our first and natural response is often one of anger, bitterness, resentment, hatred or even revenge. We want to make the perpetrator pay. Unfortunately, this type of response stops the healing process, which results in dramatic affects on us physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually. God did not intend for us to live with the destructive poison of bitterness on the inside of us. Lack of forgiveness destroys us, it takes away our joy, and it can give the devil a “foothold” or access point into our life (Eph.4:27).
The second possible response (the one God requires of us) is to forgive. To forgive means to let go, to pardon, to give up the right to revenge, to give up the desire to punish or get even, and to surrender our right to hurt the person back. We surrender vengeance and justice to God. We are called to forgive when someone repents and asks for it and even when they don’t, as Jesus did.
We are commanded to forgive, not just because it keeps us free from a tormenting prison of resentment (see here for studies on the personal benefits of forgiveness), but also because God has fully forgiven us. We simply pass on the mercy and grace that we have so liberally received. Because we realize that we have been forgiven a debt that we could never repay, we are obligated to forgive others when they sin against us.
Have you been hurt? You have a choice – hold on to it or release it to God. Ask God to give you his grace so that no root of bitterness establishes itself within your heart (Heb.12:15).
Believe that your act of forgiveness will release divine power into your life and into the situation. This is not about feelings. Forgiveness is an act of our will in response to God’s command (click here to read the story of Corrie ten Boom that powerfully illustrates this). Because God has forgiven us we choose to forgive others. In fact, we can use other people’s hurts as a means of showing them Christ’s love. Ask God to give you a greater concern for a person after they have offended you than you had for them beforehand. Imagine the impact of a community of people willing to forgive as Christ has forgiven us.
P.S. Click here for some commonm questions about forgiveness.