Some More Laughs ...
March 28, 2009
A few more ... Read more →
A few more ... Read more →
Tonight the 2009 Australian Football League Season kicks off with a sold-out game at the MCG between traditional rivals the Richmond Tigers and the Carlton Blues. It's also former team-mates Ben Cousins vs Chris Judd. The excitement amongst avid footy fans is building ... while many others are wishing for a longer break :) I'm more excited about tomorrow night's Grand Final re-match between the Hawthorn Hawks and the Geelong Cats. The Cats should dominate ... Jeff Kennett's recent comments will only add fuel to the fire. I am predicting that Geelong will go all the way this year. No... Read more →
Here are a few laughs that a friend sent me .... Enjoy! Read more →
A friend (a woman!) sent me this ... you've gotta laugh ... THE HUSBAND STORE A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City , where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates: You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back... Read more →
Here are a few statistics from our beautiful city of Melbourne given at the recent Transforming Melbourne research launch: Melbourne is growing by 44,000 people per year. It will become Australia's largest city in the next 20 years. Although church attendance is not keeping up with population growth, there are still more people attending church than the AFL (Australian Football League)! Over 1.2 million people attend church during a year (excluding another 1.3 million who attend events such as funerals and weddings) while about 1 million people attend AFL games. About 520,000 people attend church monthly while 360,000 attend the... Read more →
Transforming Melbourne is a ministry that exists to unity, servanthood, and prayer to see the church become a united missionary movement for our city. Recently, this ministry has been a catalyst for a major research project aimed at giving an accurate picture of the current condition of the church in Melbourne, a metropolis made up of 31 different cities or municipalities. For the first time ever, the National Church Life Survey results from participating denominations have been combined with additional surveys carried out by Transforming Melbourne. The Christian Research Association research has been added, and all this put alongside the... Read more →
The Silent Generation ... people born between 1925 and 1945. The Baby Boomers ... people born between 1946 and 1964. Generation X ... people born between 1965 and 1982. Generation Y ... people born between 1983 and 1997. Why do we call the last group of people Generation Y? I had no idea until I saw this caricaturist's explanation. Double click on the picure below. A picture is worth a thousand words ... :) Read more →
In his book The Extreme Future, James Canton shares the top trends that he believes will reshape the world in the next 20 years. Canton is a renowned global futurist, social scientist, keynote presenter, author, and visionary business adviser. He is also the CEO and Chairman of the Institute for Global Futures, a think tank founded in 1990. He has been forecasting trends for over thirty years. Here is a brief outline of his top 10 trends: Fueling the future - energy will play a critical role in every aspect of our lives in the future, especially energy alternatives such... Read more →
The church that Jesus is building is a community of Christ-followers empowered by the Spirit to ... 4. Participate in God's Mission in the World. God was not comfortable to continue for eternity with the amazing loving community he has always experienced. He decided to spread this community by creating human beings. When human relationships broke down and community fell apart, God did not remain aloof. He came and lived among us, taking on human form. He left the comforts of heaven to come into the brokenness of earth to make a way for people to be restored to God... Read more →
The church that Jesus is building is a community of Christ-followers ... 3. Empowered by the Spirit. One of the most important keys to Jesus’ life and ministry was the fact that his entire ministry by being empowered by the Spirit (Mark 1:10; Luke 4:1, 14, 18-21). This infilling of the Spirit is to extend to his followers too. Jesus clearly declared that the power of the Spirit was an indispensable requirement for their lives (Luke 24:49. Acts 1:4-5). The fullness of the Spirit is to affect our character (the fruit of the Spirit) and it provides us with an... Read more →
The church that Jesus is building is ... a community of 2. Of Christ-Followers. When Jesus called his first disciples, it was not just about community. He was calling them to leave what they were doing and to follow him, and eventually to become like him. His goal was to change them from the inside out. This involved a full surrender of their lives to his leadership. Throughout his time with them, Jesus was re-shaping their values, their priorities, their way of interacting with people and the world around them. He then told them to go and do the same... Read more →
The church that Jesus is building is ... 1. A Community God, in his very nature, is a community of three persons united as one, existing in loving relationship. When God created human beings he created them to also do life in community. When Jesus came to earth he lived out this value of community and priority of love. He did not do life in isolation. He was born into a family and he grew up in a family. When he began his ministry the first thing he did was choose twelve disciples to be with him. They ate together,... Read more →