BLOG Update
A New Year - A Fresh Start (Pt.2)

A New Year - A Fresh Start (Pt.1)


First of all, happy New Year! I hope it is a good one for you.

Over the next ten days, I'd like to take you through a process of standing back, taking stock, and then planning the next year of your life.

We'll be looking at ten questions aimed at helping you to clarify your thinking in order to ensure that you live your life in a way that reflects what really matters most to you. Pray about each of the questions and think them through as thoroughly as possible.

Here we go ...

Question #1 - "What Did I Accomplish?"

Let's begin with some good news ... Take a piece of paper and write everything down that comes to your mind - what you did, what you got through, changes made, situations endured, jobs done, family experiences, work or school accomplishments, friendships, hobbies, new things learned, spiritual growth, etc.

Find some achievements to celebrate. It creates fresh motivation for the future. It's easy to focus so much on what we haven't done that we easily miss what we have done! Brain storm and make as big a list as you can ... then stop and reflect for a moment. It's okay to praise and appreciate yourself ... at least for a few moments.

Well done!

P.S. The ten questions we are looking at in this series of posts are from the book Your Best Year Yet by Jinny S. Ditzler.

Part 2