A Personal Check Up (Pt.2)
July 01, 2008
The first question is:
1. How is your vision?
Bill Hybels defines vision as "a picture of a preferred future that produces passion.” Nothing much happens without vision. However, when someone gets a vision … something powerful begins to happen and significant movement takes place. Just study history. Whether it be William Wilberforce, the Wright brothers, Henry Ford, Billy Graham, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or Jesus Christ himself, people who do significant things in life all have this thing called vision.
What about you? Do you have a vision? Do you have a dream? Do you have a cause that you’re living for and working towards? What’s your vision?
The writer of the book of Proverbs says this ... "Where there is no vision, the people perish (KJV)." The Message Bible puts it this way ... "If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves."
Even when we have a clear vision, we need to protect it. Why? Because vision leaks and mission drifts. We all easily get off course, or we lose focus as to what life is all about, especially in the busyness and the challenges of daily life.
What do you see God doing through your efforts?
Is it a picture of you using your artistic ability as a tool for God to touch a heart and change a life?
Prayerfully, find your picture and focus on it. Blow it up – make it larger! Paint it in technicolour and maybe even 3D! But what ever you do, see it! Then tell others about it, then work towards it becoming a reality.