Is God a Delusion? [Part 4]
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up! [Part 1]

Is God a Delusion? [Part 5]

God_delusion_4In conclusion, when considering whether God exists, place all of the evidence on the scales and watch which way they lean. None of these things that we have discussed proves God’s existence. However, I think they clearly lean in favour for the existence of God.

There are good reasons to believe in God, but ultimately belief requires faith - a step of trust, based on the existing evidence.

The writer to the book of Hebrews puts it this way ...

"So, you see, it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him." [Heb 11:6. NLT]

What do you believe?

Here is a final promise from God himself, shared through the prophet Jeremiah ...

"If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." [Jer 29:13-14. NLT]

P.S. For further research and study on the existence of God and a Christian response to Richard Dawkins' book The God Delusion, here are some recommended books:

P.S.S. Here are some sample discussion questions we've used in our church's small groups:

1.       Discuss atheism. Were you ever an atheist? Do you know any atheists? What are some of the main reasons given for not believing in God?

2.       Have you heard of Richard Dawkins and/or his book The God Delusion? What do you know about him and/or his book? How much do you think he is influencing people’s beliefs today?

3.       When did you first start to believe in God for yourself? What were some of the factors that led you to this belief?

4.       Discuss the five evidences for the existence of God mentioned above. Which one is the most convincing for you personally? Can you think of any others not mentioned?

5.       What are some practical ways we can reach out to atheists with God’s love?


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